Inderdip Shere
Research Publication
Research Presentation
MACB 2020, JNCASR (Poster Presentation )
Presented a poster on "Porosity Development in Silica Particles during Self-assembly".
RSS 2017, IIT B (Three Minutes Thesis Talk (3MTT) )
Delivered three minutes thesis talk on "Kinetics Studies of Silica Polymerization using Reaction Ensemble Monte Carlo (REMC)" .
Bagged best presentation award.
RSS 2016, IIT B (Oral Presentation)
Delivered an oral presentation on "Study of Kinetics of Polymerization using Reaction Ensemble Monte Carlo (REMC)" in a category of modeling and nano science.
Bagged best oral presentation award.
RSS 2015, IIT B (Poster Presentation)
Presented a poster on "Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of silica polymerization of two, three and four functional alkoxides" in a category of modeling and simulation.
Bagged best poster presentation award.
Soft Matter Meet 2015, NCL, Pune (Poster Presentation)
Presented a poster on "Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of silica polymerization of two, three and four functional alkoxides"
Martini 3.0 2021, University of Groningen, Netherlands (Poster Presentation )
Presented a poster on "Development of Coarse-Grain Silica Model to Study Nanoparticles Synthesis".